Have you seen the movie 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne$%:
For those who have read the book or seen the movie you will know what a phenomenon it has become. I believe the law of attraction really works.
How it has changed my life
My girlfriend sent me the movie in Dec 2006 and since then I have changed my 'poverty mindset' to one of prosperity. Almost immediately things started to improve. (Trust me things were pretty bad).
Within 10 days
- both my husband and I received cheques in the mail (refunds from the tax office, would you believe it$%:)
- I found $3,000 dollars that I didn't know I had
- I found $2,000 worth of shares that I had forgotten about
- I won a competition for a share in a racehorse
- and I recently heard about this new affiliate program with the teachers from the movie the secret
Why is it such a phenomenon$%:
The world is a scary place right now. Between global warming, terrorism, drought, poverty and fires, people are just looking for a little happiness in their life and a better place for their children. The movie 'The Secret' has come at a time when people need more positives in their lives. I know for me and my family our life, in such a short period of time, is so much better for seeing the movie. More importantly, the personal growth opportunity. I do not think there is anyone who cannot better themselves from watching this movie. The science behind this movie, makes you stop blaming other people for all the wrong in your life, and start taking responsibility for how you want your life to be. I completely understand the term 'poverty consciousness' because, in the last two years, I lost my 4 bedroom home, someone stole $80,000 from me and we were broke. I blamed everyone else for this but, now I realise my mindset was what attracted all this bad luck into our life. Since changing to a prosperous mindset my whole world just keeps getting better and better. I thank the movie for my reality check.
How it can motivate you to have a go
I got and idea 2 weeks after watching the movie. I was so inspired by what I saw and felt that I wanted to be a part of the secret. My background is in document design so I came up with the idea of creating personalised gratitude journals for people who were inspired by the secret and that is how your journal was born.
Why is there no affiliate program yet$%:
One day I said to my husband "why isn't the teachers from the movie creating an affiliate program to help others create wealth and spread the word". His response was "because at the moment they don't need to it is selling itself." That wasn't a good enough answer for me so I thought I would test the power of the law of attraction. I kept thinking about it, and thinking about it and keeping my eye out for 'The Secret' affiliate programs and guess what$%: Within 4 weeks an email arrived in my inbox inviting me to be a part of the "OFFICIAL Secret to Getting Rich affiliate program being run by the Teachers from the movie. (Law of Attraction - what you focus on is what you attract).
Why do I want to be a part of this program$%:
- because I want to continue to grow on a personal level
- I do not want to ever return to my poverty mindset
- because I believe others can benefit from the teachings of the secret, plus
- the Teachers have set themselves a goal to reach $100million within 12mths and I want to be a part that goal
Will this phenomenon last$%:
The sequel to the movie is in production as we speak and is due to be released in September 2007. This affiliate program only launched last week (March 2007). How often do you get the opportunity to get into something as BIG as this at the ground level. The first movie was about 'the secret' and finding out what it was. I believe the sequel will be more about real people and how the secret has helped change their life and also about how it works. I believe the second movie will outdo the first by far - and I also think this is very exciting project to be a part of. Would you life to find out more$%: